Sunday, March 13, 2011

Artistic People are Not the Neatest People

So cute with a sparkly button!

Why is it that creating happens best in chaos? Last weekend, Elizabeth came home and brought some extras with her. All three are students at the Art Institute, and art students live on a different time schedule than most of the rest of us. Lizzie is a fabulously talented photographer. I hope to feature some of her work as soon as I figure out how to put a slideshow up! Julie is a graphic designer and has her first webpage that you can find in our Favorite Links section to the left. And Sam is doing some other cool stuff that I don't understand totally yet! So there was chaos in the house last weekend. But in a good way! Julie will be designing our logo sometime soon so watch for a little change. Or a wonderful big change!
Michala came for another "Sewing Saturday" and things got crazy! We sort of kicked Kevin out of the house, cranked the Latin tunes and got busy. Well, let me back up a little. We went to the Gordyville Flea Market on Friday night just to check out spaces and really find out what we could about setting up a booth. In our wanderings, we met Cassie who makes some beautiful embroidered hooded towels and jewelry. Needless to say, we spent almost our entire time at her booth! She gave us some great tips on booth location and busy months. We really need to build our inventory now. Cassie's embroidery is really beautiful and we want to use her to offer some personalization on our bags and other things. Our first order is for some personalized Zippy Pouches for a bride's gifts to her attendants. I know Michala is excited to shop for some beautiful fabrics.
So once again, my house became a flurry of flying threads, scraps of fabric, scissors everywhere, needles, buttons, ribbons and trims, stuff everywhere! Whatever we were doing as we started sewing seemed to be working and we cranked out two bags in near record time. Then the phone rang... Thank you Cindy! I just knew you would like our stuff! Way better than those knock offs, huh? Back to work and we finished one more bag. Why is it each new one is my favorite? Michala's too!
Almost opposites! Classy!!!

A sparkly button on a gorgeous bow.
LOVE these big buttons!
I woke up early this morning and thought I would get a Little Zippy finished to take with me to church today. As I'm cutting the interfacing, Michala calls and asks why I didn't tell her about the time change. I had forgotten! Actually,just yesterday I asked Kevin when the time changes and he told me it was today. So when he gets up today and turned the TV on, he asked ME if I knew the time changed! Oh my goodness! We just talked about it YESTERDAY. Can't he remember ANYTHING? I had to skip the Little Zippy making and get ready for church. Believe it or not, I was actually early today! I have lots of Little Zippys to make this week, watch for new pics... 
At least one or two days this week, I hope to help Cecil and others work on Irene's home. She's a quilter too! I hope to get her permission to talk about her on an upcoming blog. What an amazing story! 

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